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  • Events In Kathmandu

Events in Kathmandu

The festival of Holi, which takes place in February or March (during the full moon at the end of winter’s last month), celebrates the end of winter and acts as a reminder of the monsoon rains to come, is best known for its tradition of revellers throwing water and coloured powder at each other in the streets.

Bisket Jatra,Nepali New Year, is celebrated in mid April and sees both public and private family celebrations, while September’s Indra Jatra marks the end of monsoon season and pays homage to Indra, one of the chief deities of the Hindu religion, the god of rain and thunderstorms.

The 15-day long Dasain celebration in October honours Durga, the Goddess of Victory of Good over Evil, while Diwali, the Festival of Lights is also celebrated in October or November. Diwali sees Katmandu illuminated with clay lamps and candles, as well as firecrackers in the streets and the giving of sweets as gifts.

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